Asiamedic Health Screening


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Date Title
Sep 02, 2018 Proposed Acquisition Of The Entire Issued And Paid-Up Share Capital Of LuyeEllium Healthcare Co., Ltd - Lapse Of Long-Stop Date
Aug 15, 2018 Changes To Composition Of Board Of Directors And Board Committees
Aug 15, 2018 Change - Announcement Of Appointment Of Independent Director
Aug 14, 2018 Change - Announcement Of Retirement Of Director
Aug 14, 2018 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Half Yearly Results
Jul 19, 2018 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest Of CEO
Apr 23, 2018 Results Of Annual General Meeting Held On 23 April 2018
Apr 10, 2018 Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Company And Wanliyun Medical Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Apr 05, 2018 Annual Reports And Related Documents
Apr 05, 2018 Notice Of Annual General Meeting
Apr 02, 2018 Update On Use Of Proceeds From Private Placement Of 51,500,000 New Ordinary Shares
Mar 01, 2018 Loan Facility From Controlling Shareholder
Mar 01, 2018 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
Mar 01, 2018 Re-Allocation Of And Use Of Proceeds From Private Placement Of 51,500,000 New Ordinary Shares In The Capital Of AsiaMedic Limited
Feb 28, 2018 Proposed Acquisition Of The Entire Issued And Paid-Up Share Capital Of LuyeEllium Healthcare Co., Ltd - Extension Of The Long-Stop Date
Feb 15, 2018 Profit Guidance For Full Year Ended 31 December 2017
Oct 27, 2017 Proposed Acquisition Of The Entire Issued And Paid-Up Share Capital Of LuyeEllium Healthcare Co., Ltd - Extension Of Long Stop Date
Aug 15, 2017 Change Of Name Of Subsidiary
Aug 04, 2017 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Half Yearly Results
Aug 03, 2017 Update On Use Of Proceeds From Private Placement Of 51,500,000 New Ordinary Shares

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